Welding Engineer SMOE Indonesia

Urgently Required

A leading Contractor in the Oil and Gas field is having vacancies in the following positions :


  1. Qualifying Welding Procedure Specification and Procedure Qualifying Records for projects through third party certification and client specification,
  2. Qualifying welders by observing their welding skills and outcome of the welders test,
  3. Resolving welding issues through discussions with clients and the respective Project Management Team,
  4. Assisting in the bidding process by reviewing vendor and tender documents.


  1. Degree in Metallurgy with minimum of 10 years experience in welding engineering,
  2. Must be familiar with codes AWS D1.1., ASME B31.3, ASME Section IX etc and possess the experience in various materials – High tensile steels, Duplex and 6 Mo Steels, Nickel alloys etc.


  1. Performing piping and structure welding inspections to ensure conformance to applicable specifications and codes thereby achieving the contractually agreed specifications,
  2. Assisting in the compilation of final documentation prior to sail away,
  3. Liaising with Client Representative and external certifying bodies for inspection.


  1. Minimum diploma in any engineering discipline,
  2. Obtain professional qualification certificate CSWIP 3.1 or 3.2,
  3. Minimum 5 years experience in welding inspections and quality control functions in the Oil & Gas industry,
  4. Must be familiar with codes, AWS D1.1., ASME B31.3, ASME Section IX etc and possess the experience in various materials.

Performing Ultrasonic Testing according to specified procedures.
High School with PCN Level 2 or EN473 Level 2 certificate.

Please email your full resume and expected salary to: ptsmoe@ptsmoe.com

  1. Saya Ferdik Yudhatama umur 25 tahun, lulusan D3 & mempunyai keahlian sebagai WELDER 1G-6G Pipe Up Hill GTAW-SMAW berpengalaman 2 tahun di proyek & cargo shipping company sebagai Welder. Bersertifikat Badan Nasional Sertifikasi profesi (BNSP), Sertifikat Depnakertrans, BLK Las Condet, memiliki passport, & memiliki TOEFL Score 457 dalam berbahasa inggris. Hubungi saya apabila Bapak / Ibu membutuhkan tenaga saya sebagai welder,saya siap bersedia ditempatkan dimana saja. Baik di dalam maupun luar negeri, Terima kasih.

    Atas perhatian dari bpk/ibu,saya ucapkan terima kasih. wasalam wr wb.

    HP: 08129990895/02199908952.

  2. Dear Sir
    My name is Rudi Fadriansyah….
    My background is welding engineer.
    I’m very Interesting to joint with your project.
    I hope you give me chance and thank’s
    Mobile number : +62 85 222 688 969

    Best Regard

    (Rudi Fadriansyah)

  3. saya butuh pekerjaan sebagai welder.kualisipikasi saya welder 6G GTAW+SMAW.6R SMAW.saya butuh pekerjaan ini,saya dapat dihubungi di no Hp 085264444942

  4. My name Sansan Deliana. I background Mechanical Engineering (S1) and I have certificate Welding Inspector and Coating Inspector. I experienced more than 6 years at project Onshore and Offshore as Quality control, supervisor.
    Thank you for cooperation and I waited good news
    Best Regards
    Sansan, ST

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