12 Positions THE HARVEST Jakarta

the harvest patissier and chocolatier

THE HARVEST (Patissier and Chocolatier). We are fast growing cut above the patissier and chocolatier with ambitious expansion plans seeking energetic, self-motivated, positive, friendly, outgoing, confident and result oriented candidates to fill in the following challenging yet rewarding positions with guaranteed career growth.

Jakarta / Depok / Alam Sutera / Pluit

Managerial Vacancies:

  1. Cake Shop Manager (CM)
  2. Assistant Cake Shop Manager (ACM)
  3. Pastry Chef (PCh)
  4. Assistant Pastry Chef (APC)
  5. Head Baker (HB)

Staff Vacancies:

  • 6. Cashier (Cacti)
  • 7. Waitress (WT)
  • 8. Order Taker (OT)
  • 9. Delivery Man (DM)
  • 10. Driver (DVR)
  • 11. Cook (CO)

General Requirements:

  • Male/Female; max 35 yrs old (1,2), Male (3,4,5) and max 25 yrs old (6,7,8,9,10,11,12)
  • Experience  2 years in similar position (1,2,3,4,5), and min 1 yrs (6,7,8,9,10,11,12) Min height : 160cm (6,7)
  • Education: D1 Tourism School (6,7,11,12), Min SMU (8,9,10)
  • Able to operate computer with POS System (cash)
  • Bachelor Degree/Diploma in Hotel & Food educational background. (1,2,3,4,5)

Please send your complete CV + recent photograph & Write code on envelope to:

HR Department
J1. Suryo No.32
Jakarta Selatan 12 80
Email: hrd@harvestcakes.com

  1. Assalamualaikum
    Barang kali membutuhkan
    Saya ronal.
    Ttl. Bogor 10-02-92
    No hp:085697542252
    Pengalaman kerja d kue cake/ tart kurang lebih 1tahun
    Barangkali kali membutuhkan silahkan hubungi saya…..

  2. yth. Bapak/ ibu personalia
    di tempat

    Sehubungan dengan ini saya
    nama:nuraini basiro
    Ttgl : tangetang 05 agustus 91
    Alamat : pd serut 2 rt 003/03 no. 88
    No: 08978724209

    dengan ini saya sampai kan bahwa saya ingin melamar di perusahaan yg bapak ibu pimpin

    Pengalaman saya di bidang resto selama 4tahun di PT ADI BOGA CIPTA hanamasa sya memang blm mengerti soal cake tapi saya mw belajar

    Atas perhatiannya saya ucapkan terima kasih

    29-juli- 18

  3. Menanggapi adanya lwongan di the harveast cake saya ingin mengajukan data diri saya.
    Nama: Rany sulisyanti
    Umur : 22 th
    Pendidikan : SMK sederajat
    Pengalaman : waiters di pizza hut.
    No telp : 089672290186

    Mhon dipertimbangkan lgi bapak ibu management.
    Atas perhatian nya saya ucapkan terima kasih.

  4. Nama : bagus aryanto
    usia : 23
    Pengalaman : bekerja di cake artis , Di pastry pengalaman 2 tahun , dan saya paham mengenai cake
    info kontak : 085847131328

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