Control Room Operators (531111) THIESS Indonesia

PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia

Expression of Interest – Tabang Coal Upgrading Plant (TCUP)

As multinational company with over 6000 employees in Indonesia alone, our people are key to our success. As an employer of choice, we are committed to developing skills and providing opportunities for all employees. Our business provides integrated service in mining, civil construction, mechanical & electrical installation and telecommunication across a number of operational locations throughout Indonesia.

One of our project, located in Tabang, East Kalimantan is required the staff positions to enable the operation of the facility to operate 24 hours per day, 7 days per week for 7,000 operating hours per annum. The process plant upgrades low rank sub-bituminous through a drying and agglomerating million tones per annum. The TCUP facility also has a small coal fired power station to supply energy to the TCUP.


Reporting to Shift Supervisors, You will continually check all control conditions are set on SCADA and production levels are maintained according to instructions and complete operator log sheets; Respond to Shift Supervisor’s instructions as to variations and modifications to operating settings and parameters on the SCADA control system; Report any abnormal readings or plant function to Shift Supervisor; Communicate plant operation characteristics to field operators while giving direction; Record operating parameters in operator logs as directed by Shift Supervisor; Maintaining produce quality to meet minimum specifications.

To be selected, You must have minimum 5 years experience as a control room operator in a coal/minerals processing plant, including knowledge of crushing, mills, conveyors, cyclones and fans; Essential control room operating experience of process control systems such as SCADA, PLC and DCS; Computer literate, competent in MS-Office programs; Senior first aid training; reporting and resolving reported Hazards and site safety incidences to site management; Demonstrated ability to apply safe working procedures and monitoring techniques for automated and manual control of the production plant through SCADA; Ability to communicate effectively in both English and Indonesian across all levels; Ability to work unsupervised; Able to work as part of a team and encourage team building.

This opportunity allows you to pursue a challenging career. We provide attractive benefits to selected candidates.

If you want to take your career to a new level and be involved in exciting workplace change and issues, please send your application and CV on-line through our web site: or to PO BOX 1143/JKS 12011 or fax no. 021-78840513.

  1. Kepada YTH Bapak/Ibu
    Pimpinan PT.THIESS

    Saya ingin sekali bergabung dengan PT.THIESS,pengalaman saya 14 tahun di bagian Operator Boiler dan Turbin,dan sudah dari tahun 2001 sampai sekarang masih aktif bekerja sebagai DCS (Operator Control Room),besar harapan saya bisa mengisi posisi di PT.Thiess.


  2. saya seorang pria punya pengalaman pernah bekerja sebagai Operator Control Room Jig Wash Plant selama kurang lebih 5 thn.Saat ini saya sedang tidak bekerja dan sangat mengharapkan ingin segera mendapatkan pekerjaan.Dengan adanya job carees yang dibuka oeh Thiesr Contraktors Indonesia untuk lowongan Control Room Operator ini saya sangat berharap untuk bisa menjadi salah seorang yang bisa mengisi posisi lowongan tersebut.Contak saya:
    081348276120 &

  3. Saya sekarang sedang mencari kerja.Saya punya pengalaman pernah bekerja Departeme CHPP menjadi Operator Control room selama kurang lebih 5 thn.Jika Bapak berminat hubungi saya ;

  4. Kepada YTH Bapak/Ibu
    Pimpinan PT.THIESS

    Saya ingin bergabung dengan PT.THIESS kalau Bapak/Ibu berminat,pengalaman kerja:

    1.PT.MPLC/PFPC Mentawai sumbar thn.1995 s/d 1997
    2.PT.KERTAS NUSANTARA thn.1998–Sekarang

    Departemen Utilities.
    Dan sekarang saya masih aktif bekerja di PT.KERTAS NUSANTARA.

    Job/Posisi :Operator DCS Untuk Turbin 2 x @63,2 MW ,Power boiler Capacity 250 ton/hour, Demineralization Plant,220kg/s(4x@55kg/s one train), Air Compressor 3 unit, Cooling tower, Generator Diesel (3x@2,2 MW)

    Hp : 081347498757


  5. Saya ingin bergabung dengan Pt. Thiess kalau Bapak berminat.pengalaman kerja di Pt.Indo Bharat Rayon
    Departemen Energy Centre.
    Dan sekarang saya masih aktif berkerja di Pt. Indo Bharat Rayon. Departemen Energy Centre
    Jop / Posisi : Operator DCS Untuk Turbine 2 x 10.8 MW dan Coal Fired Boiler 3 x 75 TPH

    Hp : 0857 5900 5895

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