
Employee Relations Tripatra

“Tripatra is Indonesian EPC company with longest services histories among Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC ). Since 1973, Tripatra has been [...]

Engineer HSE (REFRFC0471) PT Pertamina

Legal Counsel - Junior Legal Counsel Strategic Planning (LEGALC1409) Engineer HSE - Refinery Project - Cilacap (REFRFC0471) Job [...]

Junior Legal Counsel MontD’Or Oil Tungkal Ltd

Job Vacancies in the Oil & Gas Industry MontD’Or Oil Tungkal Ltd, is currently recruiting dynamic, qualified and self-motivated personnel to be [...]

Legal Staff PT Prakarsa Betung Meruo Senami Jambi

Technical Assistance Contract between PT Pertamina EP and PT Prakarsa Betung Meruo Senami Jambi (PBMSJ) was signed on August 14, 2002 with a contract [...]